The Scene is the environment in which the model is placed, it dictates the ultimate look of the rendered image through lighting and reflections.  The scene is made up of the physical room and the lighting in the room, these dictates shadows, highlights, reflections, etc. – all the elements we use to interpret a form.

These elements are modified through the Room and Lights tabs but are saved as part of the Scene

Remember these scenes are starting points, presets, if you modify settings in any of the other tabs then the scene is changed.

HDRi Scenes rely on the spherical HDRi image surrounding the model to control the lighting and generate highlights and shadows, you shouldn’t need any other lighting with this setup.  Extra lighting shouldn’t be an issue in a ‘studio’/blank environment which does not have an image of a ‘real’ internal/external environment.  If you do have a a ‘real’ internal/external environment then consider the direction of any additional lighting with respect to light sources in the image eg. the sun.

photolux_studio_soft is a good basic scene for general part presentation.

Simple Scenes with no HDRi image rely on your lighting setup for highlights and shadows.

Note:  HDRi images can only be used once Perspective has been applied to the View

Once a Scene is modified – Room, Lights, etc. – it can be saved to be applied to other models

Tick the box to Save scene with model.

Dbl Click a Scene in the Scene Gallery to apply to the Model.