Use the RMB menu via the depth drag handle or the dash board control to change the depth control.  Choosing an appropriate depth control which robustly captures the design intent.

For an extrude these are linear distances, for a revolve these are angular distances


   Blind – specified distance

   Symmetrical – specified distance, half each side of the sketch plane

The end surface of the two previous options is parallel to the sketch plane

   To Next – continues until next geometry

   Through Until – can pass through other geometry to selected reference

The end surface of the previous two options is trimmed by the selected reference – if it’s a curved surface then the end face will be curved to match

   To Selected – as Blind but distance defined by selected reference

The end surface with To Selected will be parallel or trimmed dependent on selected reference

   Through All – intersects all features in the model – as the model grows the depths grows