
This machine is located in .

This is a profile cutting facility with the capability to cut a wide range of materials from MDF and plastics through aluminium and steels to ceramics and granite.

Maximum material cutting size is 1200mm x 1200mm for X and Y axes with the possibility of up to 100mm material thickness. Kerf angle will increase with material thickness.

Due to the high cost of consumables we have to levy a charge for the use of this machine. Currently this is £1 per 3 minutes of cutting time.

Cutting time is dependant on a number of variables and is calculated by the operating software before the start of operation. This has typically ranged from about 2 minutes for simple profiling to 45 minutes for complex shapes.


You will need a 2D graphics vector file in .dxf format.

Other formats such as Jpeg can be used but may give rise to problems with edge definition. FlowPath software will test the integrity of your image file and reject any drawings showing edge defects.

For safety reasons this machine can only be operated by trained members of staff.

Talk to Richard or Craig about your requirements. We will need to see a hard copy of your component drawing in order to check for the suitability of use of this application.