
Pick an edge and hit the fillet icon in the shortcut menu or from the standard toolbars.

Use the ‘Multiple Radius Fillet‘ option to collect multiple edges or chains under one feature with different rads.

Face Fillet – G2 Curvature Continuous Fillet

Immediately on entering the fillet tool choose Face Fillet.  Select the reference faces adjacent to the filleted edge.

There is no control over the G2 section – use a boundary surface

There is no G2 variable fillet



Nothing surprising here, no sets though, new feature for each group of edges with a specific dimension.



Note: Where as the Creo hole feature is quicker than the extrude and is therefore pushed as the default feature for cylindrical cuts, the SW Hole Wizard is more of an engineering tool for standardised holes and is a little clunky.

If you want a simple cylindrical volume then it’s probably quicker to use an Extruded Cut


Two tabs;

Controls for the hole section in the first

Specify type, diameter and depth

Hole position in second

Notice when you go the position tab there is a 3D Sketch mode option, this allows you to put holes on various planar, curved or complex 3D surfaces. Holes in non planar surfaces will be normal to the surface at the selected point.

Pick on the placement surface to roughly place the hole, you can create multiple holes at this point – they will have the same section.

Then you need to use the sketch tools or relations to position the hole. In the feature tree there will be two sketches under the feature, the position and the section sketch. Add sketch points to the position sketch to add more holes.



Nothing surprising again.  Although there is the option for multiple shell thickness’s, there is no option to exclude surfaces from the process.